Understanding Company
A company is a legal entity which can take the form of various types depending on your objectives. You can choose, amongst the different types of companies, the one that is most suitable for your business activity and find out which corresponding obligations apply.
Company`s Lifecycle
A company’s lifecycle consists of its startup phase, its running and its closing.
A step-by-step guide is provided regarding the procedures to be followed at each stage in order to help maintain an updated register of companies and to ensure the company’s compliance with its obligations to the Registrar of Companies.
Utilize the available electronic services, including those of electronic search in the company’s register, the electronic submission of documents, and the electronic payment, for faster and more efficient processing of requests.
- Search in the Business Entity's Register
- Name Reservation
- Company Incorporation
- Updating Company's Register
- Annual Return Filing
- Extending annual return filing due date
- Annual Fee payment
- Issuance of company's certified copies
- Verification of authenticity of e-Certificates and e-Certified Copies
- Registration of Charge and Mortgage
- Settlement of a charge and mortgage
- Submission of application for company's strike off
Quick Links
Here, you can have instant access to popular tasks such as, search in the register of companies, the registration of companies, updating company’s particulars, filing of annual return as well as obtaining certified copies.
Here, you will find a variety of information such as, forms and fees, relevant legislation, gazette, statistics, tips and notes, which will assist you in your company’s management.
Contact Persons
Roula Epiphaniou
Officer Α'-Head of companies registration
- Tel. 22404440
- repiphaniou@drcor.meci.gov.cy
Tryfonas Tryfonos
Officer A' -Head of charges and mortgages unit
- Tel. 22404338
- Fax. 22404494
- ttryfonos@drcor.meci.gov.cy
Maria Markidou
Chief examiner-Head of business entities Compliance
- Tel. 22404425
- mamarkidou@drcor.meci.gov.cy
Eleni Kontou
Chief Examiner-Head of document examination unit
- Tel. 22404430
- ekontou@drcor.meci.gov.cy
Katia Argyrou
Officer-Registration of variable capital investment companies
- Tel. 22404340
- kargyrou@drcor.meci.gov.cy
Photoula Photiou Synnou
Officer A' -Redomiciliation of registered office
- Tel. 22404313
- pphotiou@drcor.meci.gov.cy