Forms updating the companies register
Form updating directors and secretary
Fill in and submit, the notification of a change of the directors or secretary or a change of their particulars (form HE4) to update accordingly your company's register, by paying the fee of twenty euros (20) and an additional fee of twenty euro (€20) in case you wish to accelerate the procedure.
As at 18/12/2020, filing the above mentioned form beyond the fourteen (14) days, from the date of change, is subject to a late filing fee not exceeding the amount of fifty euros (€50) upon the first day of non-compliance and a further charge of one euro (€1) for every day the failure to comply continues, up to the maximum amount of two hundred and fifty euros (€250).
In case the company fails to submit to the Registrar of Companies the notification of a vacancy position within fourteen (14) days, an affidavit may be submitted by the officer himself or his representative (in case of death), together with the form HE4 and accompanied by the amount of forty euros (€40); twenty euros (€20) for each document.
For further information regarding form completion and the relevant procedure, you are advised to refer to the main criteria of review and most common reasons for rejection as well as to the page Updating Directors and Secretary respectively.
Alternatively, you may file the changes to the officers of the company online via the e-filing system of the Registrar of companies by paying the relevant fee as mentioned above.