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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Annual fee for the year 2012

All companies which have not paid the annual fee for the year 2012 until the 31st May 2013 will be liable to a surcharge of 10% for two months thereafter that is they will be liable to pay €385 euro until the 31st July 2013.

If there is no payment until 31st July 2013 those companies will be liable to a total surcharge of 40% that is they will be liable to pay €490 euro until 31st October 2013.

Thereafter the Department will proceed to remove from the register all companies who have not paid.

Provided that:

  • If a company pays to the Registrar €500 within a period of two years from its removal from the Registry the company will be reinstated as of right.
  • If after the period of two years from its removal from the Registry a company pays to the Registrar the amount of €750 the company will be reinstated as of right.

26 JUNE 2013

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