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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Electronic Filing with the Registrar’s of Companies - The Companies (Amendment) (No.3) Law of 2011

Procedure for the implementation procedure of the provisions of section 37A(2) (a) – Electronic Filing with the Registrar’s of Companies

  • The website for electronic filing with the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver is

Procedure for recording of changes in companies’ particulars

  • In accordance with Section 37A(2)(a)(ii) of the above mentioned law, whenever the terms form, certificate, minute or other document are used there will include documents which are specified as such in the website of electronic filing of the Department of Registrar of Companies, that is These terms also include every minute or other document which is required by law or which accompany the above mentioned forms. All the above documents may be filed electronically with the Registrar of Companies.
  • In order for electronic filing of documents of a registered company to be possible there will be used by the User two codes (a) the user code and (b) the company code.
  • For the User of the system to be able to gain access he must necessarily use both codes, in other words, the user code and the company code. With the successful application of both codes the system will access to the User.
  • Any interested person or organization may apply to the Registrar of Companies for registration and provision of User code. The request will be made by using the appropriate form which is available in the Department website.
  • Any company which is interested for its forms/documents to be filed electronically, may file a request for the provision of a code for the company. This code will be sent to the electronic mail of the company.
  • After the access procedure is completed by the User, the system will allow the User to complete the electronic forms which are necessary for the service which interests him and also to send all the necessary documents as attachments to his application either scanned or in electronic form. The company shall bear responsibility for safe keeping of the codes. The company will be able to change its code electronically through the system.

Procedure for Electronic registration of a company

  • Any interested party who wishes to acquire the capability to file documents for the incorporation of a company electronically, may file a relevant request to the Registrar of Companies by using the appropriate form and he/she will be provided with a code of access through the abovementioned procedures. The Witness of Signatures must file an affidavit for every electronic registration of a company. The relevant solemn declaration exists in the Department’s website.
  • Note: The certificate and certified copies which are issued by the Registrar and are transmitted through the internet, they will not bear a handwritten signature. Their authenticity will be verified through the internet via a programme which will project the copy as this was issued by the Registrar in order for every interested party to verify its authenticity.

Procedure for issuing certified copies and approval of names

  • For the internet services for application for certified copies and application for approval of a name, it is not necessary to follow the abovementioned procedure. These applications may be done and after the applicant’s registration as temporary user. The procedure for the registration of a temporary use is done with choosing the temporary connection from the original page and the completion of the necessary filed which the system is requesting.
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