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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Instructions for the electronic filing of forms/documents

The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver hereby announces that the Electronic Filing system of Forms/Documents is now operating for company registration, applications for certified copies, applications for approval of names, changes in the particulars of registered companies (C2, C4, C57 etc) as well as registration and redemption of mortgages and charges on company assets.

Any person interested in filing electronically filing of documents for registration of companies, should submit an Application with the Department in order for a User Code to be assigned to him.

For the Electronic Filing of Forms/Documents for changes to the particulars of a registered companies to be effected, the User must use two Codes:

  1. User Code.
  2. Company Code.

Any company interested in filing electronically forms/documents should submit the relevant Application for the allocation of a Company Code.

Any Application to the Registrar to issue Certified Copies as well as Application for any Name Approval can be filed directly from the internet system by the Applicant after registering as Temporary User.

Registration of a Temporary User is completed after chosing the temporary connection from the Initial Page of the website of the Department and filling in all necessary fields.

Please note that the Department will process applications and forms be filed electronically within 2-3 days from filing.

For more information and instructions for using the electronic filing system please consult the Department’s website


22 JANUARY 2013

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