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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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New practice as to filing of company forms for effecting changes in officers names and particulars (C4), transfer of shares of a private company (C57) and change of registered office (C2)

The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver hereby announces that as from 1st March 2013 the practice to be followed for filing the three abovementioned forms is modified. For the said forms to be accepted they must be accompanied by a certification from the company’s Secretary that the changes are in accordance with the Register which is kept at the registered office of the company. In case of notification of the resignation and appointment of a new Secretary the certification must be executed/signed by the resigning Secretary together with the new Secretary and their names and surnames must be written in full.

In the cases where the resigning Secretary cannot be located and/or is not willing to sign the said document for any reason whatsoever the Registrar of Companies reserves the right to request any additional particulars/documents proving that the change actually took place.


25 FEBRUARY 2013

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