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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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The Companies (Amendment) (no.3) Law of 2012 and the Companies (Amendment) Law of 2013

The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver announces that according to the Companies (Amendment) (No.3) Law of 2012 and the Companies (Amendment) Law of 2013:

Every company, which was registered in 2012 or a dormant company or, a company or group of companies, which does not have any assets or a company which owns assets located in areas not under the control of the Republic cease to enjoy for exemption from the obligation to pay an annual fee of three hundred and fifty euro (€350).

Last day for the payment of the annual fee for the year 2012 is the 26th April 2013.

In the case of groups of companies, the total payable fee shall not exceed the amount of twenty thousand euro (€20.000). This will be distributed in equal amounts amongst the companies forming the group.

If a company or a group of companies file with the registrar an application for the commencement of the striking off procedure up until 26th April 2013 it will be considered as stricken off the Registry and will not be liable for the payment of the annual fee for 2012.



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