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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Tips & Notes


Following the creation and activation of the profile electronically, a prerequisite for access to the BO system is the authentication of the natural person profile in the following ways:

  • through (ebanking) or
  • in the absence of an e-banking account by physical presence by submitting the following documents at a designated Citizens Services Center (PAPD) or Cyprus Post (Cyprus Post), operating nationwide after arranging a relevant appointment by phone.
  • By personally visiting an Identification Centre provided an appointment is arranged

For more details, please see here.

The following documents must be submitted for the authentication of the natural person profile:

  • Civil ID***
  • Profile ID (email confirming the registration in CY Login ( 16 digit number)

***At present, identification of a natural person’s profile for the purpose of registering the beneficial owner’s details, is possible only for Cypriot citizens holding a Cypriot identity card. The identification of a natural person via passport number is not accepted by CY Login.

Therefore, the identity number of the official/partner whose profile needs to be authenticated in order to be able to proceed with the submission of the BO in the Register, must be the same as the one registered in the Companies Register. 

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