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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Tips & Notes


Statement in lieu of prospectus of a Public Company (form ΗΕ8)

The main criteria of review of the form are:

  • number and name of the company;
  • all form details must be completed (where applicable);
  • submission date;
  • signatures of all directors or their authorised representatives (authorisations to be attached);
  • officer’s signature (in case where the officer is a company, the company seal is also required);
  • all accompanying documents have been attached.

Most common reasons for rejection of form by the examiner:

  • the form submitted is not the statutory form. The statutory forms are available on the webpage and at the offices of the Department;
  • failure to complete/submit the above details.

Declaration for issue of certificate of Public Company commencement of business (form ΗΕ9)

The main criteria of review of the form are:

  • company name and number;
  • submission date;
  • sworn signature;
  • officer’s signature (in case where the officer is a company, the company seal is also required;
  • all accompanying documents have been attached.

Most common reasons for rejection of form by the examiner:

  • the form submitted is not the statutory form. The statutory forms are available on the webpage and at the offices of the Department;
  • failure to complete/submit the above details.

invitation to subscribe (Prospectus)

The main criteria of review are:

  • company name and number;
  • all directors have signed (in case where someone signs under a power of attorney, this must be deposited to the Department);
  • stock brokers’ commission must be stated;
  • the prospectus must state the directors, registered office and auditors and the capital amount;
  • it is accompanied by the auditors’ report;
  • the contracts and consents set out in the Prospectus must be attached, as well as the loans for the two preceding years;
  • it includes profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for the last five years ,predictions for the following 3 years.

Most common grounds for rejection of documents by the examiner:

  • Failure to complete/submit the above details.

Statement in lieu of prospectus (form ΗΕ10)

The main criteria of review of the form are:

  • company name and number;
  • all form details must be completed (where applicable);
  • date of submission;
  • sworn signature;
  • officer’s signature (in case where the officer is a company, the company seal is also required).

Most common reasons for rejection of form by the examiner:

  • the form submitted is not the statutory form. The statutory forms are available on the webpage and at the offices of the Department;
  • failure to complete/submit the above details.

Statutory Declaration

The main criteria of review are:

  • number and name of the company;
  • the statement of the declaration should mention the matters referred to in section 104 3(b);
  • signed by director (in case where the Officer is a company, the company seal is also required).

Attention: The Statutory Declaration is submitted within 14 days of the date of incorporation of the public company along with the Bank confirmation.

Most common reasons for rejection of document by the examiner:

  • failure to complete/produce the above details.

Bank Confirmation

The main criteria of review are:

  • company name and number;
  • name of bank institution in the Republic of Cyprus;
  • payment of prescribed amount to an account as provided for in article 4A of the Companies Law;
  • signature and seal by officer representing the bank institution.

Most common reasons for rejection of document by the examiner:

  • failure to complete/produce the above details.

Statutory Report

The main criteria of examination are:

  • company name and number;
  • the report should state what is provided for under section 124 (3);
  • the report is signed by 2 directors (if any) and certified by auditors;
  • officer’s signature (in case where the officer is a company, the company seal is also required).

Most common reasons for rejection of documents by the examiner:

  • failure to complete/produce the above details.

For further information regarding the relevant procedure, you may refer to the page Certificate of public company’s commencement of business.

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