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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Types of Companies icon

Types of Companies

Variable capital investment company

This company is a limited liability company by shares. The main characteristic of this type is that, according to its memorandum of association and the rules governing its operation, its shares do not have a nominal value but rather a variable value. The aforementioned company can be incorporated after it receives a relevant license from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec) to operate as Collective Investment Funds (CIF).

A variable capital investment company (VCIC) can take the form of either a private or a public company, depending on the type of the collective investment fund (CIF) that such variable investment company will take (UCITS, AIF, AIFLNP, RAIF). The number of members of a private company can range from one (1) to fifty (50) members while the number of members of a public company must be at least one (1).

The initial minimum share capital will depend on the type of the VCIC, as follows:

Type of Variable Capital Investment Company (VCIC) Minimum initial capital

Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS)

(a) Internally managed VCIC -

€300.000 for each investment segment.

(b) Externally managed VCIC –

€200.000 for each investment segment.

Alternative Investment Fund ("AIF")

Internally managed (VCIC) -

€125.000 for each investment segment.

Alternative Investment Fund with Limited Number of Persons ("AIFLNP")

Internally managed VCIC -

€50.000 for each investment segment

Registered Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF)

No minimum initial capital is required.


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