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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Guidance icon


Updating the register of beneficial owners

Exceptions to information disclosure

In exceptional cases, the BO of a company or other legal entity or the company itself or another legal entity, if it has proven consent by the BO or his/her guardian in case that the BO is otherwise legally incompetent or incapable, may, submit request to the Registrar of Companies via the e-system, for exemption from the access of an obliged entity or member of the general public to the whole or part of the information about the BO on the grounds that access to such information will expose the BO to disproportionate risk, risk of fraud, kidnapping, blackmail, extortion, harassment, violence or intimidation or  that the beneficial owner is otherwise legally incapable.

The request will be evaluated separately based on the evidence provided by the applicant as being appropriate to support his/her request for exemption . It must be noted that, the Registrar may ask for further clarifications or submission of further information so as to be able to evaluate the request. 

Provided that, until the examination of the request for exception, the Registrar of Companies shall not permit the access of an obliged entity or member of the general public to the entire or part of the information about the beneficial owner concerned.

The Registrar of Companies shall send to the applicant, within thirty (30) days from the date of his decision, a written notification. 

For any questions/technical difficulties please contact For further information regarding the BO registry, please see the guidance and the BO FAQ's

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