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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
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Displaying results 298-306 of 320 matches for Entity , Lifecycle clear
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism hereby announces the operation of an Online Search System which will offer users access to the data of organisations, already registered with the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver.  read more
All the decisions of the Registrar of Companies in respect of the approval of names which are filed with the Department, are reported on the website of the Department.  read more
It is brought to your attention that under the provisions of the Advocates Law (as amended) any acts defined in the above section must be carried out by a registered advocate since these are considered as practising as an advocate.  read more
The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver hereby announces that as from Friday 21st of march of 2008, the result/decision of name examination will be found in the website of the department.  read more
By decision of the Council of Ministers dated 31/10/07, the 31st December 2007 was declared as Special Public Holiday for the purpose to facilitate the normal transition from the Cyprus Pound to Euro.  read more


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