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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Displaying results 478-486 of 1158 matches for Entity , Lifecycle clear
The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver announces that to facilitate payment of the annual fee for the year 2018 and 2019 will be either executed from JCCSMART website or through the Cashier of the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver.  read more
Ο Κλάδος Εταιρειών του ΤΕΕΕΠ, ανακοινώνει ότι, στο πλαίσιο της συνεχούς προσπάθειας για εκσυγχρονισμό του Τμήματος για καλύτερη και γρηγορότερη εξυπηρέτηση του κοινού, έχει θέσει σε εφαρμογή τις σελίδες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης Facebook και Twitter.  read more
The Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (DRCOR), announces that the corresponding application for the registration of a registered organization to our Electronic Filing system has changed.  read more


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