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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property
Initial and relevant obligations icon

Initial and relevant obligations

Owner of Business Name

The owner of a business name may be:

  • a natural person who has a place of business in the Republic of Cyprus and carries out business or
  • a company with a place of business in the Republic of Cyprus.

The notification of the owner of a business name (whether natural person or company) is done with the submission of the form EE1 while applying for the incorporation of a business name.

Notification of change to the owner’s particulars is done with the submission of form EE2 within seven (7) days from its change.

It is noted that the ownership of a business name cannot be transferred to another natural person or company. In order to achieve this, first the business name must be stricken off with the form EE2 and upon an application for name approvalform EE1 must be resubmitted for the registration of a Business Name.

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