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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property


Registration to governmental gateway and access to the UBO system

1.How is access obtained to the e-system of beneficial owners?
Access to the beneficial owner system is obtained via the creation of a profile via the governmental gateway in the following ways:

1.corporate/partnership profile in or
2. natural person profile in on behalf of the company/partnership he/she is appointed
For more details, you are advised to review the guidance, Part 2.1 Cy Login access to log on BO register
2.What information is required to create a corporate/partnership or a natural person account in

To create a corporate/partnership profile you must complete the following details
I. Name of the company/partnership,
II. User name,
III. Password,
IV. Corporate/Partnership email.

The corporate/partnership profile should be created and maintained by the company’s officers/parnter and not by any other person acting on behalf of the company/partnership including a service provider (unless that service provider is an official). The username and password in are confidential and should only be known to the profile holder.

Every company/partnership should create a corporate/partnership email. It cannot be the email of an officer/partner or person acting on its behalf or a service provider. Access to the Register should be exclusively given to company’s officers/partners., does not permit the use of the same corporate/partnership email or natural person's email to more than one companies/partnerships.

To create a profile as a natural person (who is appointed as a director/partner in the company/partnership) you must complete the following details:
I.Name of the natural person ,
II. User name,
III. Password,
IV. natural person email address.

At present, identification of a natural person’s profile for the purpose of registering the beneficial owner’s details, is possible only for Cypriot citizens holding a Cypriot identity card. Therefore, the ID number must be the same as the one registered in the Companies Register in order to obtain access to the BO system. The identification of a natural person via passport number is not accepted.
3.I am the director and service provider of the company for which I will enter the details of the beneficial owner, can I register my office email address?
No, the relevant company’s corporate email must be entered.
4.As a service provider I manage groups of companies, can I register my office email address?
No, the company’s corporate email should be declared and access to this should be given to the company’s officials only.
5.How do I obtain access to the beneficial owners system?
Through the website of the Companies Section, you click onto “eServices”, then “efiling of documents” and then you select the option Registration of beneficial owner particulars under “efiling services” or alternative you can obtain access via the website.
6.How do you treat companies that have already authenticate their account with the service provider email address?
You will need to make a change to the company e-mail address. For more information regarding the changes you may proceed in your company profile in governmental gateway, see here.
7.If my company/partnership already has an account with, do I need to create another account?
No, you do not need to create a new account. You just need to ensure that your account is authenticated in order to be given access to the system. See question 13.
8.Is the e-system of beneficial owners only in the Greek language?
The system is available in both Greek and English language.
9. What is the procedure to authenticate my corporate/partnership or natural person account;
A corporate/partnership profile in “”, can be authenticated as follows:
a) By physical presence at a designated Citizens Services Center (CSC) or Citizens Center (KE.PO), operating nationwide after arranging a relevant appointment by phone.For more information with regards to the procedure see all the relevant details on website (press here).
Natural Person

You may authenticated your personal profile as follows:
a)via (ebanking)
b) in the absence of an e-banking account by physical presence by submitting the relevant documents at a designated Citizens Services Center (CSC) or Citizens Center (KE.PO), operating nationwide after arranging a relevant appointment by phone
c) by personally visiting an Identification Centre provided an appointment is arranged.

For more information with regards to the procedure see all the relevant details on website (press here).

Authentication document
i.Civil ID or Alien Registration Certificate (ARC). At present, identification of a natural person’s profile for the purpose of registering the beneficial owner’s details, is possible only for Cypriot citizens holding a Cypriot identity card.
ii. Profile ID (email confirming the registration in CyLogin16 digit number)
10.Where do I submit the documents for authentication of my company/partnership or natural person profile?
The authentication of corporate profile can be done only by physical presence at one of the following Citizens Services Center (CSC) or Citizens Center, operating nationwide after arranging a relevant appointment by phone:

• Nicosia 1 (ACP)
• Nicosia 2 (Arch. Makariou C)
• Limassol
• Kolossi

• Famagusta KE.PO (Cyprus Post):
• Nicosia
• Limassol
• Larnaca
• Paphos
• Agros
• Kakopetria
• Pano Lefkara
11.Αll company officers are abroad, how can we authenticate our corporate profile?
Entity profile can be authenticated with the the submission of the relevant document by a person authorized to this end on behalf of the company/partnership officials.
For more informations, please see press here.
12.I already have an account with but I get a message that my account is not authenticated? Why?
You haven’t completed the authentication process. For further information follow the procedure as described in questions 9 & 10 above.
13.How can I ensure that my account has been authenticated?
Upon entering the company’s profile in select “Manage my profile”.

If the company’s/partnership's registration number or identity in case of natural person is displayed in the field «Unique Identifier», it means that your company’s/partnership's profile has been authenticated. Otherwise, you must proceed with the authentication of the company’s profile as described in answers 9 and 10 above.
14.As a service provider we possess efiling codes for the companies we manage. Can they be used for the UBOs registry?
No, the authorisation code for the efiling system cannot be used for the system of beneficial owners, which is a completely different system to the core companies Register with no connection between them.
15.Can we create corporate/partnership email for the companies/partnerships we manage as service providers under the same domain?
The corporate/partnership email should be accessed by the company’s officers/partners only and not by people acting on its behalf. The corporate/partnership email can be under the domain of the service provider.
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