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Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property



1.What information is available on esearch? Can I see the historic file of a company’s beneficial owners or only the existing beneficial owners?

Following the Judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEE) access to the Register of Beneficial Owners for the general public is suspended.For more information, see a relevant announcement.

Based on the above, e-search in the BO register will be available only to the Competent and Supervisory Authorities as well as the Obliged entities. Obliged entities will have access to the BO register for search purposes following the approval of the e-request by the Registrar of Companies officials with the submission of €3.50 fee per legal entity. 

The Register will maintain the current record of the BO of the entity.The Register of beneficial owners will not maintain any information regarding the beneficial owner(s) of a company prior to the 12/3/2021.

2.When we conduct e-search in the Companies register, will the details of the beneficial owners also be disclosed?
No, they are two completely different registers governed by different laws and with no interconnection between them.
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